Job Booster Enterprises

Job Booster Enterprises

Mission and Vision

Mission and Vision

Developing gifts and talents

Our Mission

Every person is entitled to dignified work, in which gifts and talents flourish. This has long-term impact: in people's personal development, but also in the society they are part of. We strive to ensure that young people in low- and middle-income countries can develop their gifts and talents, flourish and make a meaningful contribution to society through a job or business of their own.

Our Vision

We work to achieve our mission by focusing, in low- and middle-income countries, on:
- Bringing together supply and demand for dignified and inclusive work
- Promoting entrepreneurship and strengthening young entrepreneurs
- Improving cooperation between participants in order to promote an inclusive labour market

Dignified and inclusive work

Dignified and inclusive work and an inclusive labour market are not just concepts to us. The International Labour Organization standards for dignified work form the basis of our approach. But for our clients, and especially for disadvantaged and underprivileged groups, we like to go a step further.

Personal and organizational development, long-term impact and equal opportunities are key focus points.

We believe that every person is created with unique gifts and talents, and that these talents flourish when you are able to develop yourself personally, support yourself and your family and make a meaningful contribution to organizations and society. 
And they flourish when you are able to develop yourself, support yourself and your family and make a meaningful contribution to organisations and society.

Get in touch!

Interested in Job Booster Enterprises? We are happy to make time for an introduction.