Tackling youth unemployment in Chad with an entrepreneurial approach
Hyacinthe NDOLENODJI (35): "With our sustainable business model, we also have long-term impact." 4.6 million entrants to the labour market by 2030. That is the forecast for Chad. These are staggering figures. According to Hyacinthe NDOLENODJI (35), CEO of social enterprise Job Booster Chad, these figures make it immediately clear why his company adds value [...]
Adding value to job seekers in India
Charles Emanuel (37): "Companies are happy to pay a premium for the value we add to our candidates." In a country with the largest population of young people under 35, the challenges are many. With its growing population, India needs not only jobs but also, and perhaps more challengingly, [...]
'We recommend Job Booster'
Sharon Comello, CEO of Cassixcom talks about why she loves working with Job Booster India. Watch the video!