
Job Booster Enterprise CHAD and ESSOR support young job starters in the labour market

Job Booster Enterprise CHAD and ESSOR support young job starters in the labour market

Unemployment is high in Chad, especially among women and young people. French organisation ESSOR and Job Booster Enterprise Chad are joining forces. They want to support 150 jobseekers, at least 40 per cent of whom are women, and guide them to employment.

Unemployment among women and young people

  • Unemployment in Chad mainly affects women and young people aged 15 to 24 years, with rates of 26.8% and 30.3%. There are 2 possible explanations for this unemployment:
    Students do not choose their careers based on labour market opportunities, resulting in a mismatch between education and labour market requirements.
  • Young people often have low qualification levels, especially if they want to work after leaving secondary school. This limits their employability and makes them less competitive in an already saturated and highly competitive labour market.

Project: Youth towards Sustainable Employment

One of the objectives of the ESSOR project 'Youth towards Sustainable Employment' is to empower vulnerable young people who have no formal education so that they can take control of their own future. The project also supports graduate jobseekers.

Role Job Booster Enterprise Chad

Job Booster Enterprise Chad will contribute by recruiting companies willing to offer paid internships ans also by recruiting and mentoring young jobseekers and offering them training programmes to increase their employability. After placing a young person with a company, there is a follow-up to ensure that the young actively contributes to the organisation's productivity. The aim is to achieve a placement rate of at least 50% one year after the placement.

Participation by (international) companies

Involved companies and organisations, willing to offer jobs to young jobseekers, are needed to make the project a success. That is why Job Booster Chad calls on small and medium-sized enterprises, as well as national and international organisations, to actively participate in this initiative.

The signing ceremony of the service contract between Job Booster Chad and the organisation ESSOR took place on 26 May 2023. Present were ESSOR's Country Representative and the director of Job Booster Chad.

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